Monday, April 29, 2019

EP 3 - Nina Finds Out The Truth!


Created By: Frank & Doris Hursley
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Creative Consultant: Mike Larry


At the Metro Court, in the Formal Dining Room, Peter and Maxie are sitting at the bar. Both of them are having a glass of red wine.

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MAXIE: Thanks for taking me out tonight. I had such a long day at work. It’s nice to just relax and have a good glass of wine.

PETER: My pleasure. How’s Nina by the way? I’ve been thinking about her a lot since you ran that DNA test on Sasha. Did you tell her yet?

MAXIE: Funny you should ask about Nina. And, no, I didn’t tell her about the test. But, I think that Nina is so caught up in the whole Sasha thing that she’s finally ready to go back full force to Valentin. That’s all she talked about before she left the office today. I’m just so worried.

PETER: Why is that?

MAXIE: Look, I know this may sound strange. But, something is telling me...this gut feeling is telling me...not to believe the DNA test.

At Sasha’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Sasha and Michael are sitting on the couch. They’re eating Chinese food for dinner.

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SASHA: First off, thanks for spending the whole day with me. This day has been absolutely perfect. Secondly, thank you for letting me pay for something.

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MICHAEL: You were just so adamant about it.

SASHA: I just want to show you that I’m not a gold-digger.

MICHAEL: I didn’t think that for a second. Well, I think it’s time for fortune cookies. I’ll even let you have the first pick.

SASHA: Thank you. You’re a gentleman.

MICHAEL: Always.

Sasha lets out a little laugh and picks up a fortune cookie.

SASHA: I wonder what it says.

MICHAEL: (picking up a cookie) Me too. Let’s find out.

Sasha and Michael open up their fortune cookies.

At the Sunrise Diner, Kristina is sitting at a booth. She is eating a grilled cheese and drinking a glass of water. She’s trying to eat and drink as fast as possible. The Waitress walks over to her table.

WAITRESS: Can I get you anything else, miss?

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KRISTINA: No thank you.

WAITRESS: Okay. Here you go. (laying down a check) Whenever you’re ready, you can head up to the front and pay that.


The Waitress walks off. Kristina looks around and collects her things. She then begins to slowly exit the diner from the door behind her, avoiding the front door at all cost. As Kristina zips up her jacket, the Waitress steps in front of her.

WAITRESS: Miss, you still have a bill to pay.


Before Kristina can say anything else, a woman interrupts her.

WOMAN: She won’t be paying you, because she doesn’t have any money on her right now. I’ll take care of it. Then, she can come with me.

Kristina turns around and realizes that Alexis and Sonny are standing behind her.

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ALEXIS: Hello, Kristina.

At the Collins Home, in the Living Room, Kevin, Felicia, Mac, Ava, and Laura are all standing around the room. There is a small table in the room. On top of it is a white table cloth, two lit candles, two wine glasses, a bottle of wine, and two plates.

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LAURA: Okay, so I’ve got everything set up for the fake date.

FELICIA: Good. I’ve got the car pulled around back.

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MAC: And, I’ve got a flashlight and I hooked up that camera in the backyard.

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AVA: So, what happens now?

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KEVIN: We catch Ryan. The trap is set. Let’s do this thing.

FELICIA: Before we start, I just want everyone to know that we need to be very careful. Ryan has always been one step ahead of those trying to capture him. Yes, he took that fall over that bridge. But, as we’ve come to learn, that hasn’t stopped him.

AVA: I know that we’re all stronger than Ryan. Felicia, he tormented you for more than a year. Kevin, you had to deal with your brother spinning out of control. Mac, you’ve been with Felicia every step of the way during Ryan’s return. Laura, you’ve had to deal with this taking a toll on your marriage. And, I’ve had to deal with the fact that I was duped and fell in love with the man who murdered my daughter. Ryan has made us all grow a thicker skin. That bastard is not walking away from all of this. He wants a fight, then he’s got one. Now, lets kick his ass.

At Wyndemere, in the Living Room, Nina enters the room fully.

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NINA: I’m waiting. Aunt Liesl, what do I need to forgive Valentin for?

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LIESL: Oh, Nina, it’s nothing.

NINA: What I walked in on looks too tense not to be anything.

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VALENTIN: Fine. I’ll come clean. I broke that very expensive blue vase from Paris that you wanted to take to your office. I was gonna get you a new one and cover it up. I’m sorry.

NINA: Stop. No. Stop it.

VALENTIN: I’m sorry. I really am.

NINA: Aunt Liesl, can you give Valentin and I a minute?

LIESL: Nina…

NINA: Liesl! Please!

LIESL: Okay.

Liesl collects her things and leaves the room.

NINA: Valentin, what’s really going on here?


NINA: Before you try to come up with a story to cover whatever I walked in on, just know that I’m not stupid. This is about the 100th time I’ve walked in on you and my Aunt Liesl about to come to blows over something involving me. Valentin, I’m begging you. Come clean to me. What is really going on here?

Back at the Metro Court, in the Formal Dining Room, Peter takes a sip of his wine and proceeds to set the glass back in front of him.

PETER: Why don’t you want to believe the DNA test?

MAXIE: Trust me, I know how easy it is to get a test switched in this town. That isn’t the only reason though. This all just seemed too easy to me. One moment, Madeline tells Nina that her daughter is alive. The next moment, Madeline dies. Shortly after that, Valentin finds Sasha and all the sudden she’s believed to be Nina’s daughter.

PETER: You think this just seems to convenient?

MAXIE: Yes! I’m a huge believer in fate, Peter. I think fate brought me Nathan on New Year’s Eve all those years ago. I know what fate feels like. This to me does not feel like that. This feels like a concocted story of lies and deceit. And, I’m gonna get to the bottom of it.

PETER: I will be right there to help you.

MAXIE: (raising glass) Here’s to being partners.

PETER: Cheers.

Peter raises his glass. He and Maxie clink glasses.

Back at Sasha’s Apartment, in the Living Room, Sasha and Michael have their fortunes in their hands. Sasha lets out a little laugh.

MICHAEL: I take it your’s must be hilarious.

SASHA: To me, yes.

MICHAEL: What does it say?

SASHA: It says, “Be prepared to meet the man of your dreams...very soon.”

MICHAEL: Does it really?

SASHA: (showing him the fortune) Yes, see.


SASHA: What does your fortune say?

MICHAEL: “Soon you will discover something new about yourself.”

SASHA: I wonder what that something new could be.

MICHAEL: Maybe it’s that I can like someone despite the emotional relationship trauma I’ve been through. I know that doesn’t sound romantic. But, with you sitting here, I believe it to be very true.

SASHA: Oh, Michael.

Sasha smiles at Michael. He leans in, brushes her cheek, and kisses her.

At the Safe House, in the Living Room, Alexis, Sonny, and Kristina enter the safe house. Sonny shuts the door behind them. They all fully enter the living room.

ALEXIS: I cannot believe you, Kristina. How could you just leave here like that? I was worried sick about you. I didn’t know where you were. (voice breaking) I didn’t know if you had been kidnapped. You could’ve been dead for all I know!

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SONNY: Kristina, what you did was inexcusable.

KRISTINA: I’m still here. And, now, people know who I’m with. They’ve seen my face. It’s only a matter of time before someone comes looking for me.

ALEXIS: Cut the crap, young lady. We are protecting you.

KRISTINA: Do you two not understand?! Shiloh is the best thing that has ever happened to me! I want to be with him! I am an adult! I can make my own choices!

SONNY: Watch your tone, Kristina. You are our daughter. No matter how old you are, we will always be your parents. We will always be mom and dad.

ALEXIS: Honey, I don’t know how long I can do this with you. I am trying to get through to you. (sobbing) I am trying to make you see that you are my daughter. You are my baby girl. You are not a pawn for Shiloh to use. I need you. I need you, Kristina. Come back to me. Just come back to me!

KRISTINA: (sobbing) Mom, I don’t know how! I don’t know what you want from me! I just want to go home! I just want my life back!

Alexis quickly goes in for a hug, embracing her daughter tightly. A tear begins to stroll down Kristina’s right cheek. It’s almost as though Alexis is getting through to her.

ALEXIS: Shhh. It’s okay. Mom’s here.

Back at the Collins Home, in the Living Room, Kevin and Ava are sitting at the table. Both of them are drinking a glass of red wine and eating a salad.

AVA: I love the dressing on this. Did you make it?

KEVIN: Yes. It’s my own special recipe.

AVA: That’s nice. I’m sorry. I know this is awkward.

KEVIN: Ava, it’s okay. I know you’re just trying to act the part.

AVA: Yeah.


Felicia and Laura are sitting in a car that is parked across the street.

FELICIA: I haven’t seen anything. Have you?

LAURA: Not a thing.

FELICIA: I just wish that creep would show himself. I know he’s around here somewhere. I can sense it, Laura. I can sense that he’s near.

LAURA: Are you doing okay, Felicia? If you don’t want to do this, let me know now.

FELICIA: No, I’m fine. I can control my emotions.

LAURA: Okay. Just know that I am here for you.

FELICIA: I do know that. Thank you, Laura.


Mac is holding a flashlight, canvasing the property.

MAC: Come on, Ryan. Show yourself. Now’s the time.

As Mac continues to watch over the property, he hears a flickering noise. Mac follows the noise around the yard. It eventually leads him to a fuse box attached to the house.

MAC: What the hell?

Mac shines his flashlight on the open fuse box and sees that wires have been cut. Then, he hears the shattering of glass and Ava screaming. The screen fades in and out as Mac, Felicia, and Laura all enter the house.

LAURA: What happened?! Why are the lights out?!
KEVIN: Ryan must’ve cut them!

As everyone begins to panic, the lights come back on.

AVA: What the hell was that?

FELICIA: Ryan at his finest.

MAC: Wait. We’ve got something.

Mac goes over to the broken window.

FELICIA: Honey, be careful.

Mac picks up a piece of stationary paper. He opens it. Written in blood, the note says:

MAC: Oh my god. Ryan just threatened us.

AVA: Enough.

LAURA: Ava, what is it?

AVA: I am done playing by the rules when he does not. I am coming up with another plan. That is a plan to eliminate Ryan Chamberlain. Who’s with me?

Laura, Kevin, Mac, Felicia, and Ava look around at one another.

Back at Wyndemere, in the Living Room, Nina sets her purse down.

NINA: Valentin, I’m waiting.

VALENTIN: Nina, what I told you was the truth. I’m sorry about the vase. In fact, I’ll buy you an identical one to replace it.

NINA: Why are you lying to me?

VALENTIN: I’m not.

NINA: Yeah, you are. Everytime you lie, the top wrinkle on your forehead goes up ever so slightly. I know you that well. I know when your poker face has been spoiled. I’m giving you one chance. Either you tell me the truth and your side of the story about whatever’s going on, or I go out in the foyer and ask my Aunt Liesl.

There’s a short pause between the two.

NINA: I’m waiting!

VALENTIN: Fine! (deep breath) It’s about Sasha.

NINA: What about Sasha? What’s going on with my daughter? Is she sick?

VALENTIN: No. It’s nothing like that.

NINA: Then, what is it?

VALENTIN: She’s not…

NINA: She’s ‘not’ what?

VALENTIN: She’s not your daughter.

NINA: (voice breaking) What did you just say to me?

VALENTIN: I’m sorry, Nina. That’s the truth.

NINA: No. No. No. This can’t be.

The camera zooms in on Nina. Tears are strolling down her face.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 3***

Saturday, April 27, 2019

EP 2 - Bobbie's Past Haunts Her


Created By: Frank & Doris Hursley
Written By: Casey Hutchison
Creative Consultant: Mike Larry


At Wyndemere, in the Living Room, Valentin is sitting on the couch. He is drinking a glass of scotch and reading the afternoon edition of The Port Charles Press on his iPAD. Then, he hears the front door slam. Valentin sets his iPAD and glass down on the table and stands.

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LIESL: (calling out) Valentin!

Valentin lets out a deep breath as Liesl enters.

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VALENTIN: What do you think gives you the right to barge into my home like that? You have some nerve, Liesl. I oughta have you thrown out of here.

LIESL: Oh save me your macho act. I’m here to save your ass.

VALENTIN: What are you talking about?

LIESL: The walls are closing in on you.

At General Hospital, in Monica’s Office, Monica is sitting behind her desk. She is looking over some files. Then, there’s a knock at the door.

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MONICA: Come in.

Bobbie enters. Monica takes off her reading glasses.

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BOBBIE: (shutting the door) Hello, Monica.

MONICA: Bobbie, hi. Thanks for meeting with me.

BOBBIE: Of course.

MONICA: Please, have a seat.

BOBBIE: (sitting down) Thank you. So, what is this all about?

MONICA: Well, I wanted to talk to you about your position here at this hospital.

BOBBIE: My position? Wait, Monica, are you firing me?

In the Woods of Port Charles, the camera cuts on different angles of Kristina running. She is sprinting and moving as quick as possible. Then, she comes to a stop. She is breathless.

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KRISTINA: I have to keep going. I have to get back to Shiloh.

Kristina catches her breath and then begins to run more.

At the Safe House, in the Living Room, Alexis is pacing around. She has her cellphone in her hand, waiting for some sort of call or text. Then, there is a knock at the door. Alexis rushes to the door.

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ALEXIS: (opening the door) Thank God you’re here.

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SONNY: (entering) I came as soon as I heard.

Alexis shuts the door and turns around. She goes to Sonny.

SONNY: Any word on where our daughter’s at?

ALEXIS: No. I haven’t heard anything. Is Brick looking for her?

SONNY: Yes. And, so are Jason and Sam. Carly has multiple appointments today. I didn’t want her to have to worry about this whole thing.

ALEXIS: That’s fine. I understand that. Sonny, I am so sorry.

SONNY: Alexis, you don’t have anything to apologize for. Kristina has been waiting to pull something on us for quite awhile. She planned her escape very carefully. I can tell that. She was waiting for the right time for one of us to let our guard down. Now, we need to stop worrying and find her.

At the Dawn of Day House, in the Living Room, Harmony is sitting on the couch, having a cup of tea, and reading the Dawn of Day book. Shiloh comes down the stairs, enters the living room, as he puts a shirt on.

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SHILOH: Doing some light reading there?

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HARMONY: Yes. I’ve had some personal issues lately. Right now, I just need some guidance from our good book of truth.

SHILOH: Do you want me to call in the circle? We can pray about it.

HARMONY: I’m fine. (putting the book down) I don’t want (standing) to talk to any of our circle members right now except you.

SHILOH: What’s up?

HARMONY: We need to talk about Kristina and some of our other members. Shiloh, I am worried about the future of Dawn of Day.

Back at General Hospital, in Monica’s Office, Monica is standing over by a table and pouring two glasses of water. Once finished, she carries the glasses back over to her desk and hands one to Bobbie. Monica then sits across from Bobbie.

MONICA: No, Bobbie, I am not firing you.

BOBBIE: Oh, thank God.

MONICA: I would never do that to you. You helped build this hospital. GH has one of the best reputations in New York because of your history here.

BOBBIE: I appreciate you for saying that. I am just grateful to be a small little blip on the radar. You, Alan, Steve, Amy, Jessie, Lesley....all of you were the movers and shakers of this place. I’m just grateful to be here.

MONICA: Bobbie, I don’t want you underestimating your accomplishments. That is why I called you into my office today. Because of your accomplishments. This coming fall, this hospital is opening up a new wing. The wing will be dedicated to women who have faced domestic violence, like yourself.


BOBBIE: Monica, I don’t know what to say. (voice breaking) Every once in awhile I think about what D.L. did to me. I am grateful to still be alive. If I can help other women survive, then I will do just that.

Monica and Bobbie smile at one another. Then, the camera pans down as the two join hands symbolizing their bond with the domestic violence wing.

Back at the Dawn of Day House, in the Living Room, Harmony puts the Dawn of Day book back on the book shelf. She turns around and walks back over to Shiloh.

SHILOH: What do you mean you’re worried about the future of DOD?

HARMONY: Shiloh, our membership is declining. It seems to me that people are losing interest in our view of the new world. Kristina has gone off to parts unknown. You’re making no headway with Sam. People are no longer believing what we have to offer here. I knew that it was a bad idea to set up shop in Port Charles.

SHILOH: First off, I know Kristina will come back to us. Her pull to what we have here is too strong. And, we have the recording to bury her mother for good. Secondly, I am making headway with Samantha. She came so close to laying down for the inner circle.

HARMONY: Really?


HARMONY: Listen to me. And, listen good. If you do not get Sam into the inner circle in two weeks, then I am taking matters into my own hands.

SHILOH: What do you mean by that?

HARMONY: I’m gonna do whatever I have to, to show Port Charles that Dawn of Day is not meant to be messed with. Got it?

Harmony walks off.

Back at the Safe House, in the Living Room, Sonny and Alexis are both on their phones. As they finish up on their separate calls, they hang up their phones and come back together.

ALEXIS: Did you get any word on where Kristina is?

SONNY: No. But, Sam and Jason are still looking. Brick went back to the house. He’s hoping Kristina may show up there to collect some of her old things.

ALEXIS: I hope so.

SONNY: Did you hear anything?

ALEXIS: No. I called around to some local diners and stores. They haven’t seen her. Sonny, I am so scared. I am so scared that she is close to being back to that house. If she goes back there, we will never see Kristina again.

SONNY: Alexis, that is not gonna happen. I won’t let her get sucked into this cult. I am going to take down that bastard and save her.

Alexis gets closer to Sonny and hugs him.

ALEXIS: Please, Sonny. You have to save her. Please.

Back at Wyndemere, in the Living Room, Liesl sets her purse down.

VALENTIN: Liesl, what is it that you know?

LIESL: I know that Maxie had that DNA test done.

VALENTIN: Yes. (smiling) And, the results showed that Sasha is Nina’s daughter.

LIESL: That’s not the point. The point is, is that Maxie is very smart. I know that she will not take that DNA test at face value.

VALENTIN: Why do you think that?

LIESL: Because, I know that Maxie has been through her own DNA squabbles. She’ll know that she should look further than she did. Plus, in this town, lord knows no one should ever accept the first DNA test.

VALENTIN: Listen to me, if you know something, you need to tell me. I need to deal with it, Obrecht. I am just trying to do the best I can for Nina.

LIESL: No, you’re not. You’re just trying to manipulate the situation to get her back. You could’ve been good for her, Valentin. You could’ve found her real child. But, you two hit the skids and you pulled this girl out of your hat.

VALENTIN: I am the best man for Nina. When I couldn’t find her real child, I came up with Sasha. I just didn’t want her to be hurt because I couldn’t find her.

LIESL: Cut it out! Wake up! Be a man! The only way you can get under this is if you tell Nina the truth. Only then can Nina really forgive you.

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NINA: (off screen) Aunt Liesl, what do I need to forgive Valentin for exactly?

The camera pans over and reveals Nina to be there. Then, the camera cuts to all of them and finishes by zooming in on Valentin.

***FADE OUT***
***END OF EP. 2***